Covenant 16 Amendment Passes!

The amendment to Covenant 16 to allow FFA/4H project animals in Blumenau has passed with 116 votes for and 41 votes against.  You can see the official voting results with additional details in this PDF document.  An updated copy of the revised Covenants document can be found here.

Please see the new page for FFA/4H that details applicable rules and has links to the forms needed to be in compliance with the new 16A covenant paragraph and guidelines for project approval.

Congratulations to everyone who worked to bring this to an official vote with a clearly-expressed majority of eligible voters!


Fire Ban in Place, Custer County

Please be aware of the extreme fire danger we face due to the very dry winter and spring seasons we’ve had.

In response, Custer County Commissioners have extended a Stage II Fire Restriction well into June (and maybe more, depending on incoming moisture levels).  You can watch current fire conditions and restrictions at this Custer County Office of Emergency Management page.

Fire safety must be your personal responsibility.  Some areas of Blumenau have limited road access, so you should establish multiple escape routes if possible in case of fire.

Custer County has a CodeRED alert system.  Sign up for emergency alerts here.